I'd like to welcome Christian fantasy author, Kimberly A. Rogers, to the Inkwell. Kimberly writes urban fantasy from a Christian worldview, and if you haven't met her hero and heroine, Baran and Raina, you are definitely missing out!
you're an independent writer. How did you get into writing?
I first got into writing
when I was very young but I didn’t begin seriously writing until I was in my
teens. I started my first fantasy novel when I was sixteen, which is now in the
editing doldrums awaiting revision. After an unsuccessful attempt to find an
agent for that first novel, I spent time writing for myself and perfecting the
craft. Then, I found a writing contest that I decided to enter. I didn’t place
among the chosen winners, but that contest was the birthplace for my present
series, The Therian Way.
What are the
benefits of being your own publisher?
A definite benefit to
being an indie author is that I set my own schedule. It’s great that I don’t
have to wait six months to a year between each stage of the process. I can be
more flexible with building in time for each stage. I also love having full
control of the covers for my books. My cover artist, Rachel Rossano of Rossano
Designs, has done an excellent job of capturing both the series feel and the
mood for each book in the covers. Ultimately, my favorite thing about being
indie is I don’t have someone higher up interfering with my story development.
I like the freedom of incorporating my faith into my work without having to
fight for it or fight to keep from including gratuitous sensuality or language.
A fantasy writer usually has favorite
fantasy-writing authors. Who are yours?
My hands-down favorite
fantasy authors are J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. They were my favorite authors
when I was a kid and I still love their work. Tolkien for his excellent and
extremely thorough worldbuilding. Lewis for the way he incorporated his faith
into his stories (love Aslan!).
Oh, those are my hands-down favorites, too. Love them both! You're working on a seven-book series that
also has a prequel and several auxiliary stories. How do you plan for that?
What's your schedule like?
Yes, I am. It sounds more complicated than it is, I think. I have a working
idea for the entire series and each of the stories have working bare bones
blurbs. When I’m prepping the next novel, I create a chapter by chapter outline
with the highpoints and any particular ideas for the scenes that strike me
during the brainstorming. Because I have the chapter outlines and the
highpoints, I’m able to keep on top of my multiple projects without losing my
mind. With the auxiliary stories, it’s a little easier because they tend to be
shorter novellas so the draft and editing stages don’t require as much time as
the full-length novels.
Right now I have four
projects in progress. One novel in the final proofing stages, a short story in
final proofing stages, another short story in the writing stage, and my next
novel in the outlining stage. So my schedule is cyclic. I’m waiting on the
first two, so I’m focusing on writing the next short story and outlining Book
Three of the series.
Why urban fantasy?
I chose urban fantasy because it has the unique blend of ‘What If?’ The mix of
familiar and unfamiliar technology with the fantastic races fascinates me. I
like the challenge of incorporating one known fantastic race (Elves) and one
unknown race (Therians) into a world of humans. Sometimes urban fantasy will be
more familiar than unfamiliar with very little changes to the world we know.
However, I decided to make my series more of a true alternate universe, so
there’s familiar history figures but I also changed history and changed the
present landscape.
Tell our readers what your WIP is about. When will it be
My current WIP is Wolf’s
Path: Book Two of The Therian Way. I’m so excited about this one because I was
able to include one of my favorite cryptid legends, The Beast of Bray Road, in
the plot. The American werewolf of Wisconsin was a perfect character to add to
my series full of shapeshifters. Of course, the other reason I was excited to
work on this one is Baran and Raina are in a very interesting and fun place
with their relationship.
Wolf’s Path: Book Two of
The Therian Way will be available next month.
Tell us about your hero and heroine. Why do
they work so well together?
Baran and Raina are the
glue for the series. I don’t think the adventures would work half as well
without these two in the lead. They work so well together because they are SO
different! Baran is a very serious, honorable military man who likes to do
things by the book. Raina, on the other hand, is almost his complete opposite.
She is a funny, sarcastic, and rather devil-may-care Tracker (an elite
organization of Therians who find Elves and Therians be they criminals or
simply missing persons…and are far more lax in regulations than the military).
She’s more impulsive than he is, in general. They have the opposite attracts
vibe between them and when they aren’t quarreling, their different strengths
make them a formidable team.
What I really love about
Wolf’s Path is Raina and Baran are at a point in their relationship with each
other where we finally get to see the fun side of them as a couple. This is
especially big for Baran (aka TDS or Tall, Dark, and oh so Serious) since there
were hints before to his soft side but he wasn’t willing to show a lot. In this
book, however, he doesn’t get as many chances to hide his soft side this time
since they’re hunting the Beast of Bray Road under the guise of honeymooners.
They are just wonderful together. Their scenes are so alive and real. So, besides this series, what else do you write?
I have several plans in
place for epic fantasies, romantic medieval-esque fantasies, and, of course,
more stories set in the world of The Therian Way series.
Why do you write?
I write because I cannot not write. I write because there are stories begging
to be told and characters whose voices need to be heard. And, every time I try
to stop writing, the characters won’t leave me alone.
What do you have available for readers now?
In May, readers can
expect to find two new stories from me: Leopard’s Find, a short story about
Raina before her appearance in Tiger’s Paw that will be included in Where the
Light may Lead (Reflections of Faith Anthology #1), and Wolf’s Path: Book Two
of The Therian Way.
What do you do when you aren't writing?
When I’m not writing, I’m usually working on my Master of Religious Education
degree. Otherwise, I am reading, researching the next story, or working on a
cross-stitch project.
Where can readers find out more about
you or contact you?
Wolf’s Path: Book Two of The Therian Way
are supposed to be relaxing, right?
Not when
the honeymoon is just a cover for a hunt. Shapeshifters Baran and Raina are
tasked with one of the most unusual hunts of either of their careers — capture
the infamous Beast of Bray Road. The monster humans assume is just a legend has
grown more aggressive, threatening to expose the Therian race if he is not
stopped. A struggle to find the truth and to stop the aggressive loner before
he kills awaits Baran and Raina as they follow the Wolf's path.
Coming May 2016
Thanks for visiting the Inkwell, Kimberly! I'm enjoying reading Wolf's Path right now, and I'm sure your readers will love it!
Kimberly A. Rogers writes in-depth reviews of Christian and secular fantasy as well as articles for Christian fantasy writers at her blog So You Want to Write Christian Fantasy? Of course, only when not in the midst of writing papers and taking exams in the pursuit of her Masters in Religious Education. Kimberly lives in Virginia where the Blue Ridge Mountains add inspiration to an over-active imagination originally fueled by fantasy classics such as the works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.