In a world that preaches tolerance but
doesn’t always demonstrate it, the Inkies – with our various differences– are a
great example of understanding and acceptance. We don’t attend the same church
building, we don’t all belong to the same denomination (or non-denomination), nor
do our churches all celebrate the holy time leading up to Easter Sunday in the
same way.
Our observations throughout Holy Week
depend on different things; mainly what we learned growing up, and how the
churches we attend mark the week leading up to God’s most precious gift to us –
the indescribably wonderful miracle of his son, Jesus Christ.
Lent commemorates the forty days Jesus spent in the desert
fasting and facing temptation. It is commonly spent in fasting and penitence,
beginning with Ash Wednesday and
ending on different days of the Holy Week – depending on the way one’s denomination
calculates the days.
Ash Wednesday
I always knew Ash Wednesday as the day when my Catholic co-workers would leave for
a short period of time and come back with a gray cross smudged in the center of
their foreheads. Ashes were, of course, a part of mourning in Biblical days.
They are symbolic now of shame and sadness over our own sin, and sorrow over
the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus. Though it’s not something I grew up with
and have never personally experienced, the smudging of ashes has always tugged
deeply at my heart.
When Moses was called by God to lead the
Israelites out of Egypt, Pharaoh grants and then recants their freedom several
times. God’s people are told to mark their doors with lamb’s blood to protect
them when an angel passes over to claim the life of every firstborn in the
land. Passover commemorates God’s
promise to free his people from slavery.
Palm Sunday
Jesus rode in to Jerusalem on a donkey
and the people celebrated by singing and laying palm fronds along his path,
fulfilling one of the many Old Testament prophesies about his coming. The
church I grew up in always began the Palm Sunday worship service with the
pastor carrying palm fronds to the front of the altar before taking his place
at the pulpit. When he retired, the pastor who took his place would occasionally
gift us with tiny wooden crosses from Israel. There are times in my adult life
when I long to see palm fronds on Palm Sunday. I’d also be thrilled to come
across one of those small crosses, and wish I’d taken better care to keep them
safe so I’d always have them.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday sometimes known as Holy Thursday, commemorates the Last
Supper with Jesus and his disciples.
Good Friday
Friday is the day Jesus was
crucified. I grew up in a denominational church and have attended a
non-denominational church for more than half my life. And still, this day means
as much to me as it did the very first time I heard the story of Jesus. That’s
a story in itself, but I still can’t read or hear the story without tears
welling up in my soul.
Here of course, is our blessed miracle,
the greatest of all God’s gifts – the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Some songs to consider in preparing your
heart for next week:
In Christ Alone – a beautiful contemporary worship song written by Stuart
Townsend and Keith Getty, and made popular by the Newsboys and Phillips, Craig
and Dean.
TenThousand Angels
– a great hymn by Roy
Overholt that I love but don’t hear very often. The lyrics are powerful.
(There aren't a lot of videos of this hymn. This one is sung by an
elderly man and his guitar, and that makes it even more special to me.)
– one of my favorite songs of
service and sacrifice by Leeland and Brandon Heath has an awesome
message. (You may have to watch a commercial first, but you get the
official version of the song.)
your denomination (or non), however you celebrate Holy Week, may you
grow in your faith and be incredibly blessed. I would love to know what
any one of these days mean to you, and I’d also love to know of any
other special days you celebrate.
Reposted from 2007 because the message doesn't change.
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