We survived the End of the World! Now what do we do?
by Gina Welborn
After a day of dancing, celebrating,
and waiting for the world to end (SPOILER: It didn't!), I figured we ought to
celebrate with another day of dancing and celebrating because life here on
earth continues. I hope you don't mind if we turn off the music.
In fact, I've changed out of my
daring little black dress and into comfy yoga pants and my favorite black
Aeropostle t-shirt. What make-up I have on is remains from yesterday. Don't
forget Gina's Beauty Tip #1: Don't wash your face every day; doing so stretches
facial muscles. and Beauty Tip #2: Don't smile, grimace, frown; keeping your
face motionless decreases opportunity for wrinkles to develop. Show emotion
through tone of voice. Of course, never underestimate the importance of a good
Love your skin.
Love the skin you're in.
Which is why I’m drinking lots of water,
eating fruit today, and resisting whatever tempting foods and drinks our
baristas are serving.
Eons of days ago (aka, a couple
weeks) one of my writing groups had a discussion on “How Christian Should
Christian Fiction Be?” Depends on publisher. Depends on author. Depends on
target audience. Depends on story. Yada yada yada.
So I got to wondering if CBA
fiction is life-impacting or mostly just there for entertainment. I tend to read
more non-fiction than fiction. Not that I don’t love fiction. I do!!! Yet has
any work of fiction impacted my life like an A. W. Tozer, John Eldredge, or
Beth Moore book has?
A few years go Dina practically
shoved a copy of THE PASSION OF MARY-MARGARET by Lisa Samson in my hands and
said, “You will read this and like it.” Probably an exact quote. On the surface
I couldn’t think of one thing that interested me about the novel. Then I read
Somewhere along journey I realized
how much I yearned to have a passion for Jesus like Mary-Margaret had. Ever
heard Jars of Clay’s “Love Song for a Savior”?
It seems too easy to call you
Savior, not close enough to call you God. So as I sit and think of the words I
can mention to show my devotion, I want to fall in love with you.
That’s what I wanted—to fall in love
with Jesus. Thus I began pursuing Jesus. I began praying, “Jesus, scripture
says we love you because you first loved us, so show me how much you love me
because I want to love you as passionately as Mary-Margaret did.” The more I
pray, the more Jesus reveals his love. While I still don’t think I have a
passion like Mary-Margaret, I’m getting closer. Yes, a work of fiction has
changed my life.
The following is a list of
testimonies of authors whose lives have been impacted—changed—by Christian fiction.
“I wish I could give you a short
list of authors and books that have changed my life, but I can't. What I can
give you is a very, very long list of Christian authors who have encouraged my
faith, strengthened me in small ways in my faith, acknowledged my faith and my
worldview through the medium of entertainment.” ~Christine Lindsey, author of
HALL OF THE DRAGON KING by Stephen Lawhead
"What really hit me when I read
this (I was 10, I think) is that God even chooses to use young people. Though
I'd been told this for all of my life, it took watching this boy go out in
faith, against his better judgment, up against things that seemed
insurmountable and battle his unwillingness (at times) and fear in order to be
used for God's glory. I don't know, really, why this book hit me so
dramatically when there are certainly others out there with a similar message,
but it's stuck with me for the last almost-30-years. Quinton, and his quest,
come back to me as a reminder at odd moments - usually when I'm in the throes
of self-doubt - and I remember that God uses whom He chooses, even when it
doesn't make sense. All I have to do is be obedient." ~Elizabeth Maddrey, author of WISDOM
IN THE WIND by Francine Rivers
was the first Christian book that my mom read and said, ‘No. Not until you're
older.’ I'd been reading adult Christian fiction since I was about 11, so this
made me really curious. And after she finally let me read it at 14, I both
understood why she had made me wait and was
forever changed. This book was the first one that brought biblical times alive
for me. It was the first that made me ask, ‘What would I do if I was faced with
the choice of denying Christ or being killed?’ And it was the first book whose
ending made me cry...yet was RIGHT.” ~Roseanna
THE DEBT by Angela Hunt
“The Debt inspired me to reach out
to those who may otherwise be overlooked in our society. To go where the people
are, not merely expect them to walk through the church doors and gobble up our
witness. After reading the novel, my family and I took hot cocoa along with a
package of treats and tracts and talked with the homeless milling about the
downtown area. What a powerful day! One woman received the Lord as a result of
our venture outside the norm. My husband and I serve at an inner city ministry
once a month on Saturday nights. Service longevity is a matter of every day
choice. We must wake up with the decision to follow through today what the Holy
Spirit laid on our hearts yesterday.” ~Eileen
Rife, author of SECOND CHANCE
“This book encouraged me that PRAYER
is just as active as doing other, more applauded Christian activities. Plus, it
brought supernatural warfare to the forefront in a fairly believable way. The
supernatural realm is real, no matter how we try to ignore it. But the main
impetus of the books struck me as twofold: 1) prayer is important for eternity,
and 2) not everyone is as good as they seem (and I have found that to be
true--Satan himself is disguised as an angel of light).” ~Heather Day Gilbert
Lori Copeland
“For the longest time, I
feared the end times. Silly, I know. But I did. After reading this series and
getting an angel's perspective on life on earth, my fear dissolved, seriously.
I began to see what truly matters. I've been a believer for over 20 years and I
know deep in my heart what is important. I just let fear overtake me, and these
books helped me put in all back in perspective.” ~Joi Copeland, author of HOPE
THE DEBT by Angela Hunt
“One line in the book
said this, ‘Why are we surprised when sinners sin?’ Why, indeed? An amazing
book about one woman's discovery of what Christianity really looks like outside
the walls of the church. Truly amazing! And thought provoking, too!” ~Joi Copeland
Francine Rivers
“I read some Christian
fiction (this was in the late 80’s, early 90’s) but nothing had tempted me
overly much. Then someone loaned me the first book in this series. It
definitely changed me. First, I learned a TON. I mean the research and history
was more than I had any idea about before. That it was done as fiction and kept
me spellbound really surprised me. From then on, I wanted to know the
historical importance that went along with whatever Scripture I read. I didn’t
really know any Scripture by heart, but the theme that ran through the series
was, ‘Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him,’ from Job. I began to think
about the seriousness of that kind of faith and I knew I didn’t have it. And,
it turned me on to Christian fiction, big time.” ~Mary Moore, author of BEAUTY IN
LISTEN by Rene Gutteridge
have been many books but the most recent was [this one]. It made me think about
the power of words, and about how I sometimes say things in private that I'd
never want to say publically. It made me do a lot of thinking about my
sometimes undisciplined tongue.” ~Larry W.
SAFELY HOME by Randy Alcorn
course I think that anything written by Randy Alcorn is powerful. That book hit
on one of my passions, which is remembering the persecuted church around the
world. ~Larry W. Timm
SCARLET THREAD by Francine Rivers
books have touched my heart over the years, but The Scarlet Thread stands
out as a favorite. It was written so honestly that it touched my heart at a
crucial time in my life. It's a contemporary novel about a woman dealing with
marital issues and as she struggles through the still-relevant journey, she
comes to know Jesus Christ in a personal way. The story really is faith in
action.” ~Andrea Boeshaar, author
wasn’t just one book, but a line of books—Heartsongs. I learned that Loree
Lough sold nine to the line, so was curious and bought a few. Those little,
sweet romances got my feet back onto the path of seeking after the Lord in my
life. I think (what impacted me most was) their lack of preachiness, just
people learning about God’s love and forgiveness in their everyday lives.” ~Laurie Alice Eakes, author CHOICES
Author MaryLu Tyndall
“Just after I'd been saved, I
grabbed my first Christian fiction book (MaryLu Tyndall's THE BLUE ENCHANTRESS)
It spoke to me on several levels. Some of the moral issues I'd faced similar to
the heroine who had made some bad choices. In July 2010, I needed to have my
eye removed because of cancerous melanoma. During my quiet times, I read my
Bible, or MaryLu's THE RELIANCE (had to laugh when I discovered the heroine,
Charlisse wore a pirate's eye patch for a disguise!) After the surgery, the
doctor told me I'd have a lot of pain--gave me meds. Not only did I not have any pain, the bottle remains
sealed as a souvenir of God's gracious touch. I continue to do my writing, art
work and teaching; just finished pt. 6--("Narrow Passage") of our Colonial Quills Christmas
Antholgy, and coincidentally, MaryLu's book VEIL OF PEARLS was
offered as a giveaway that day.” ~Pat Iacuzzi
Karen Kingsbury
“After 9/11, watching on
TV the horrific tragedy of the twin towers coming down, knowing how many first
responders were killed trying valiantly to evacuate those buildings, I had a
very difficult time praying for first responders. I’d try, and often feel like
my prayers were going nowhere. Other times, I’d burst into tears without really
understanding why, sometimes just because I saw emergency lights flashing. It
got to the point I quit trying to pray for first responders even though I knew
I shouldn’t stop. When I read ONE TUESDAY MORNING, it finally clicked. Seeing
what happened, recognizing the tremendous impact it had on the lives of so many
people, left me traumatized in a way that blocked my ability to pray. That was
one of the hardest fiction books I think I have ever read because walking
through the trauma with those characters walked me through my own trauma and
deeply suppressed grief. Ever since then, I’ve been able to pray again for our
first responders without a problem.” ~Dawn M. Turner, author
THE DARKNESS by Frank Peretti
"These novels opened my eyes to
spiritual warfare. I realize Mr. Peretti’s books are works of fiction and the
spiritual battles may not truly look the way he described them. However, his
stories brought home the reality of angels and demons fighting in the
heavenlies in response to the prayers of the saints. In response to my
prayers.” ~Lora Young
Quirky and yet anyone who's ever
experienced suffering and loss will find themselves unexpectedly moved in this
bittersweet, honest examination of one character's raw grief, doubts and anger
coupled with God's unending love for each soul. This
caused me to reflect on the losses in my own life and the various ways—good and
bad—I've reacted toward them. ~Lisa
rendering of all sides of international adoption and the emotional scars many
people carry regardless of nationality. Beautiful picture of God's grace and
sufficiency. This struck me that no matter the scars of your past, God has a
perfect plan for my life. And my life will be at its best and safest in His
hands. ~Lisa Carter
SKY by Deborah Raney
Deborah Raney's story will remain etched in your heart and mind forever.
Bittersweet, almost haunting, ending. One of my favorite examples of the truest
kind of love. This one helped me to internalize Christ's sacrificial love for
me in a whole new dimension. ~Lisa
Powerful. A journey that takes the reader—heart, mind and body—into one
person's dark night of the soul and beyond. This reminded me how though we
don't always understand His plans, He desires our ultimate good and through
faith, we believe that He will bring His best for us to pass. ~Lisa Carter
LOST AND FOUND by Ginny Yttrup
“Ginny has
a knack of making you draw closer to God, increasing faith and knowledge about
Him. Her characters are believable and easy to relate to and/or identify with.
They become friends that, if you aren't careful, you begin praying for.” ~Anne Baxter Campbell
HERO by Kathi Macias
“Kathi writes books that
draw attention to a need, in this case homeless people. One is a Viet Nam Vet
and the other a widow with two small children. Too many of us tend to turn a
blind eye to homeless folks, relegating them to lost causes not worth our time;
or perhaps we think the problem is too big for one person to make a difference.
Kathi demonstrates in this book that perhaps one person being helped is
significant. If each of us who could helped one person, we might be able to get
the homeless off the streets and in the process of either becoming productive
citizens or at least getting help for their disabilities.” ~Anne Baxter Campbell
“Life can change in small increments
- and those changes can last longer. For instance, every romance novel I read
reminds me to love my husband! This series showed female characters in
non-traditional careers. These women had a focus beyond catching a man and
having children. The importance of their work took them out of their homes and
often put them in danger. The stories were well written, braiding suspense,
romance, and a spiritual thread. They expanded the boundaries of Christian
fiction.” ~Cathy Richmond, SPRING FOR
Dina Sleiman’s List of Novels that
Impacted Her Life
HAVAH by Tosca Lee
Gave me a whole fresh perspective on
God's design for marriage and sex and how we mess it up.
BOOK OF DAYS by James Rubart
Gave me a very strong understanding
on how important every decision we make is.
ARENA by Karen Hancock
Helped me to understand spiritual
warfare on a new level.
A TIME TO DANCE by Karen Kingsbury
Encouraged me to keep trying with my
EMBRACE ME by Lisa Samson
Helped me to refine what sort of
Christian I wanted to be.
Challenged me to give more and
sacrifice more.
Gave me a new and clearer vision of
Christ's sacrifice and the power of his blood.
THE OPPOSITE OF ART by Athol Dickson
Caused me to seek God's face with
more passion than before.
Awakened me to the plight of sex
trafficking on a new level.
QUESTIONS OF THE DAY:: Have you ever read a Christian novel that impacted your life? How have you been changed by the book? What book(s) are on your 2013 To Read List?