by Sandi Rog

I’m a horrible blogger. I didn’t understand why I could write tons of fiction but be so lousy at blogging. Well, this isn’t anything new, really. When I was in high school, I could sing quite well when I pretended to be someone else. You know, like when I played the character Ado Annie in the musical Oklahoma. I did great then! But if the choir director asked me to sing something as little-ole-me, well, my confidence went in the toilet.
It was easy to pretend I was a fabulous singer when I was playing a part, pretending to be someone I wasn’t. But when I couldn’t pretend and I had to be “me,” I suddenly became terrified. What if they hated me? What if I couldn’t find the right note? What if . . . well, you get the picture.
I recently discovered, I have this same phobia when it comes to writing. If I’m hiding behind a character, I’m more confident. I can write as long as I’m pretending I’m a certain character. As long as I’m not “me,” I’m fine.
But lately, I’ve found “me” slipping onto the page. Not that I interfere with my characters and who they really are (although, there are times I’ve done that and had to clean up the mess I made). The truth is, I’m finding that my lack of confidence is seeping into my work. So often I find myself doubting. Who said I could write? I have no business rubbing shoulders with other authors who’ve been published over and over again. Who do I think I am?
That’s when I accepted the fact that I simply couldn’t do this alone. There was no way I could write the stories I want to write without a helping Hand.
You see, when I was in seventh grade, I was tested at a third-grade reading comprehension level. They eventually got me up to speed at a tenth-grade reading level, but with that kind of history, I really don’t feel like I belong in this world of writing! Again, the question plagues: Sandi, who do you think you are?
Well, now I have an answer! I AM NOTHING. I AM NOBODY! That’s who I am! So there!
Really. Without God, I am nothing. That is why I pray over everything I write. I ask God to make my stories pleasing to Him. I ask Him to help me when I can’t figure out how to word a sentence. I pray over every paragraph, every scene, and every chapter in my work. I ask Him if it’s pleasing to Him, and if it’s not, will He please show me how to fix it before it’s too late. I ask Him how I can make something sound “better.” I ask Him to guide me in every way in the hopes that my work will lead people to Him.
While I write, I imagine Him behind me, guiding my clumsy fingers over the keyboard. When I get excited about something, I thank Him for what we accomplished. He is my mentor. My teacher. My strength.
I’d like to be able to say I do it all on my own, to strut around and claim every accomplishment was reached because of my great skill and talent, but the reality is . . .
HE has made me what I am: a professional editor and an award-winning author.
Through my weaknesses, He has always been strong. And I can guarantee you, if I get a haughty attitude, I’ll end up flat on my face. Ouch! I’m constantly growing, improving as a writer and storyteller, and I’ll continue to grow as long as He leads me.
There’s a reason I write Soli Deo Gloria (To God’s Glory) after my stories. I pray my stories will glorify His Name and encourage people to look for Him and to Him for the answers. In what better Hands can I put my work, my life?
Thank You God for being my confidence and for making me ME!
Sandi Rog is an award-winning author. Her work has appeared in
Christian Woman Magazine,
Affaire de Coeur,
Sister Triangle and
Writer's Digest. Several of her short stories have won prizes, and her historical romance novel
Morning Sun won first place in the 2005 West Virginia Writers Annual Novel Competition (under the title
Walks Alone). More recently, her historical novel,
The Master’s Wall, was a finalist in the Genesis 2009. She has also written several children's stories and has given writing workshops at schools. She's a professional writer and editor and has spoken at a number of Christian ladies retreats both in the United States and Europe. She now lives in her home state of Colorado with her husband and four children after spending several years in the Netherlands. She is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA), Colorado Romance Writers (CRW), American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and their local chapter His Writers.
The Master’s Wall, book one in her Iron and the Stone series
He fights for his freedom. She fights for her life. Together, they fight for each other.
After watching Roman soldiers drag his parents away to their death, David, a young Hebrew, is sold and enslaved to serve at a villa outside of Rome. As David trains to become a skilled fighter, he works hard to please his master and hopes to earn his freedom. However, an opportunity to escape tempts him with its whispering call. Freedom beckons, but invisible chains hold him captive to the master's granddaughter, an innocent girl with a fiery spirit. David vows to protect Alethea from his master, the murderous patriarch, and contrives a daring plan—sacrifice his own life to save hers.
DINA HERE :: On the same day this book released, Sandi, a young mother of four, was diagnosed with an agressive form of brain and blood cancer called T-cell Lymphoma. She had already been battling MS for many years. I imagine a part of her must have been so exhausted and just ready to give up.
I believe God wants only the best for his children, and yet knowing the future, I'm sure he saw this coming. How like our marvelous, loving father to coincide these two important events in Sandi's life to give her encouragement and support during this time. It makes me believe that he must have exceptional plans for her book and for her life.
Because of this coincidence in timing, Sandi is receiving more prayer support than she ever would have otherwise. At the same time, her book is getting the full attention that it well deserves. In addition, her publisher is donating an extra $1 per book to her family over her normal royalties to support them during this difficult time.
The best way to support Sandi is to pray for her and to purchase her book. Multiple copies for gifts if you can. Not only will it support her family, but it will boost her spirits tremendously. Nothing blesses an author as much as knowing others have read their work and been touched by the message God has laid on their hearts.
My prayer for Sandi is this: that this situation turn into an amazing testimony of God's healing power and his love for his children. I long to see her ministry as a writer go on for many, many years to come.
Feel free to share thoughts and prayers for Sandi in the comment section. Hopefully Sandi will check in and read your encouragement.
And please consider purchasing her book today at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or DeWard Publishing.