Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. 1 Cor 3:16-17 NKJVIt's not because I don't believe "Jesus lives in my heart" or because I haven't experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It's because I don't like my body. Disliking my body makes it hard to treat it with honor and respect, in word and deed.
And yet, we're called to take good care of our "tents."
Learn to appreciate and give dignity to your body, not abusing it, as is so common among those who know nothing of God. 1 Thess 4:4-5 MSGAppreciate it? How do I do that?
How about the fact that it works well enough to allow me to be aware of and acknowledge His creation? How about the fact I can use my senses to experience and translate the goodness of God into words and actions for others to experience? How about the fact I have (I question this, on occasion) a brain that enables me to assimilate the Word of God and His love into tangible expression and experience? Yes, I can appreciate this body ... I can, and will, choose to be thankful for this tent.
Give dignity to it?
Dignity is the same thing as honor and respect, like that which you would show for a visiting "dignitary." See the connection? That's going to mean taking the best care of this body I can by offering it the best of the best, making sure it gets proper rest, food, activity, and isn't left out in the rain, so to speak. That (and this is the hard part) also means I need to speak well of this body instead of bad-mouthing its varied parts and pieces.
Many of you will be at church today. Hopefully, you wouldn't think of degrading the chairs/pews, or disparaging the decorations on the altar. Now, apply that to your own body... the one you live in. God loves it. So should we.

Even older temples... that are a bit crumbly and not everything works well?
ReplyDeleteHa ha of course! I take joy in knowing that the Bible exalts the wisdom of the aged!
LOL, Deb! I'm repeating the "gray hair is a crown" verse a lot these days. And wondering why they all come in looking like something out of a Dr. Seuss illustration?
ReplyDeleteStill trying to come up with scripture that will make me more appreciative of the fluffy parts...
Well said, Niki. Thanks for reminding us that we're all beautiful in His eyes.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Elaine! I look forward to the day I see myself and everyone else clearly... the way HE sees us.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your honesty, Niki!
ReplyDeleteBless you!
Ah, Niki. You always hit me where I live. You're like my personal conscience. I can always count on you to point me in the best possible direction. Thank you my dear.
ReplyDeleteGood post, Niki. It shows a good balance. We should honor our body, and part of honoring it is taking good care of it.
ReplyDeleteHonesty is the best policy, even when it stings! Thanks, Cheryl!
ReplyDeleteAww, Suzie! I think that's what happens when we're all tuned in to the same God, same Word, same purpose! Blessings, sister!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Dina. Balance is sometimes difficult to achieve, especially in this area.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Niki. I needed to be reminded of these Scriptures today. Tough balance...ugh. As usual, your transparency and wisdom blessed me. Thanks, sister.
ReplyDeleteGlad to be of service, Susie! : )