Friday, August 25, 2017

Meet Book Blogger Kat Good of Kat's Corner Books

Debra here, keeping my head just above water during #CraziestMonthEver, which is why it's been awhile since my last interview. But this time... I ACTUALLY got to meet my guest in person because of the Christian Fiction Reader's Retreat in Cincinnati.
Carrie Booth Schmidt and Kat Good at #CFRR2017!
So- Kat, how long have you been reviewing and how did you decide on the theme for your blog?

K- I have been a reader-reviewer for several years. I started soon after I really got back into reading. I tell the story on one of my first blog posts, but long story short, I had lost a bit of myself in the stress of being mommy and hubs suggested I invest in a book and read it. I had mostly stopped reading after a few general market books burned my eyes, and I thought Christian Fiction was mostly Amish or like Left Behind, (neither really appealed to me). He didn’t know the monster he’d unleashed. In January of this year, I started blogging at 

Kat’s Corner Books 

for several reasons. First, I constantly had friends  asking my opinion and I thought it’d be an easy way to share with them. Second, I was writing reviews anyways and really appreciated bloggers' thoughts to help me figure out if I’d like a book. I  thought I should do the same. Lastly, I wanted more free books and blogging seemed like an open door to that. (Who can blame me for wanting to make the most of my book budget?!)

D- What can you share about Kat 'behind the scenes'?

K- My hubs likes to say he married 'three cats'!. Me plus my two cats, Sasha and Onyx. I knew he was a keeper when Onyx, the skittish one who hides all the time, came out and crawled on him the first time they met. I thought it'd be fun to name the blog after all three of us and included them because not everyone likes animals. I also try to include thoughts from my hubs and my mom to bring a perspective from non-reviewers!

D- What’s the best part of being a reviewer?

K- Honestly, the answer is the same for even those who can’t review/blog; the community. The Christian Fiction (especially romance) community is an awesome one beyond words. I have met so many friends (mostly online) who are real, love God, love fiction, and love each other. The authors care about their readers, the readers pray for each other and authors, and most everyone is really good about not judging others. I’ve struggled most of my life with being an introvert and feeling like an outsider. This community does an awesome job of including everyone. 

D- What’s the most difficult part of the ‘the job’?

K- Writing a review for books I didn’t really get into. We all have our reading preferences and there are authors at all different levels out there. Finding the balance of being supportive and positive, but honest can sometimes be difficult . Where I can, I try to sign up to review books I think I will enjoy, so it doesn’t happen too often, but still, it can be hard. I never want to review something without thinking of the author on the other end who might be reading it and be hurt, but we all need constructive criticism.

D- I'm still surprised when I see harsh reviews that don't really do anyone any good. But it's reviewers like you who manage to do that balancing act! 

What was the last book you read that you couldn’t put down?

K- Full disclosure, it’s past my bedtime as I’m typing because I couldn’t put down Courtney Walsh’s latest, Just Look Up. I picked it up at the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat and am so glad I did!

D- It has garnered quite the book buzz, that's for sure! I managed to completely miss meeting Courtney Walsh at CRFF. (ugh!). As you probably figured out, authors and reviewers all look the same in person --like fiction fans!

What keeps you busy or entertained (beyond reading and reviewing!)?

K- My day job, which I also love, is in Historic Preservation. I love old stuff. The other main thing that keeps me busy is my health. I have Multiple Sclerosis, which can make days challenging, but God is growing me and those close to me through it. It’s also opened a door to make some dear friends through a support group I help lead at church. I am blessed to have them and would never have met them without this diagnosis.

D- Some days I look in the mirror and think I should hire someone with a Historic Preservation degree. 
Seriously, though, I learned a lot about MS as we chatted, and I'm thankful you're doing so well and maintaining such an active lifestyle! Thank God for all the improvements in medical science! And it's so true that we grow the most in our bigger challenges.

What is your fiction favorite…setting? Place and time? Genre’?

K- I’ve gotten much more into contemporary fiction the past couple years, and more into suspense since I’ve gotten the hubs interested, but my heart will always belong to historical romance. Sigh. Since I read for escape, I prefer light-hearted or comedies, but with enough depth to make the characters real. I’ve found that my favorites are either Regency or 1870’s-WWI.

D- If you had a rainy afternoon alone to watch a movie what would it be? And what meal would you have delivered if that afternoon included a quiet evening as well?

K- Hmmmm. Is it cheating if I give you my defaults that I rotate between? Pride and Prejudice (BBC and the “new one”), You’ve Got Mail, One Fine Day, and New in Town. I have them all memorized. I probably wouldn’t order out, but settle in with a cup of tea and a bag of buttery salty popcorn.

D- I have yet to see NEW IN TOWN. hmmm. I think we all have our old 'go-to' movies that have become a welcome companion in the quiet times! Sometimes I just let them be a comforting soundtrack while I buzz through my Sunday afternoons, too.

If you could wiggle your nose and be in a new career, what would it be?

K- Other than reading books all day, I’d do what I do only with ideal clients. If we could all remove our office drama, wouldn’t that be wonderful?

Yes, that's Kat taking on another day at work!

D- What piece of advice would you offer authors who are just starting out?

K- Get active in the online Christian Fiction Community. They’re always willing to offer support, opinions, prayers, etc. and once you’re publish, they’ll already be fans eagerly spreading the word. My favorite authors are all great about interacting with fans.

D- Same for new reviewers—

K- Same answer! And don’t be afraid to reach out to other bloggers to ask advice. I’ve had a few who’ve answered all of my annoying questions and I would do the same for others. It really is full of awesome people.

Kat's links are:

D-  And... it was great to meet you Kat. I kept asking around for you and then Voila! That busy dark-haired beauty named Katherine was you! 
CFRR was an incredible event for both authors and readers. I think the authors enjoyed the 'hanging out' time as much as the readers! We're all just fiction fans, and sharing that with others brings much enjoyment. If I'd gotten some sleep, I might have been functioning and able to take photographs with all of my blogger friends (for this blog feature!)

I want to interrupt this blog post to remind readers that my current $25 Amazon Gift Card promotion ends Aug 31. New Subscribers to my newsletter from June, July and August are eligible (and this doesn't include BookSweeps or other promotions. Just new readers who sign up directly.)
 Here's the link!

Thanks so much for playing along, Kat! 

Next month my guests will be:
Trisha Robertson, and Rachel Dixon!


  1. Happy Friday, everyone! CFRR was worth the long drive as I got to meet so many of my online friends in person. Kat and I planned to meet and by late afternoon we hadn't found each other. You'd think it wouldn't be so hard when people wore name tags and we see photos of each other! But it was a busy day with a large room full of readers.

  2. Welcome, Kat! Always good to meet another cat lover (I have three). And it's always nice to meet reviewers. As an author, I appreciate what you do SO much. :D

    1. Hi DeAnna! I got to put faces (live living talking faces) to the names and tiny little pictures I see online. CFRR was such a fun way to meet readers and authors. oh, and I guess I need to do a "my cat" post soon, too!

  3. Lovely interview! I'm so glad I got to go to CFRR this year. I wish there had been more time for visiting with each other.

    1. Yes, I had a tiny bit of time with a few people and so many I never spoke to at all. (on the other hand, my passenger for 16 hours heard far too much from me! sorry Jessica! ha ha) But it meant a lot to have even that little bit of time. I really enjoyed the lunch break too. That was a nice time to meet new people. hugs, my friend!

  4. Thanks for all the time and effort you two have put into this interview. Its really good.

    Thanks for visiting, Kat. We're a bit hectic come-and-go here, but you're welcome any time.


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