Tuesday, January 21, 2025

HEART OF THE GLEN by Jennifer Deibel, Reviewed by Paula Shreckhise #ReleaseDay

(A Forced Proximity Sweet Historical Romance Set on a 1900s Ireland Farm)


This was a delightful, atmospheric story. I could hear the Irish lilt as I read and gleaned new insight into old Irish customs.
Saoirse is a troubled soul haunted by the loss of her family. She is taken in by Aileen and Owen McCready after her employment opportunity falls through. Owen is a master weaver and sister Aileen helps on the sheep farm while he plies his trade. After someone attacks Owen, it is up to Saoirse to learn how to weave the tweed that will save the farm.

I loved the setting and the characters in this novel. They are stalwart and have a faith that is long-standing, and it sustains them through difficulties. A couple, Bridie and John, are the voice of spiritual wisdom, and showed friendship and hospitality. The portrayal of Stout the sheep dog was a highlight. I could just picture him, herding the sheep in response to the whistle commands that Owen used.

This book was a joy to read. It kept me turning pages, especially during the tense moments. The romance built slowly and was very sweet. A great addition to the list of novels by this talented author.
*A complimentary copy of this book was provided by Revell on behalf of the author, and by NetGalley through Interviews and Reviews. I was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are my own.* 5 stars and a solid faith thread 

BackCover Blurb:
Can the lonely thread of her life be woven into a new and finer pattern?

When Saoirse Fagan arrives at Drumboe Castle to start her new job as housemaid, she is dismayed to learn that the lord of the house passed away a week prior. Already running from the tragedy that claimed the lives of her family members, Saoirse wanders the road through the darkening glen with nowhere to go until Aileen McCready offers her a lift and a place to stay for the night.

Aileen's brother, sheep farmer and weaver Owen McCready, is known for his intricate and impeccably woven tweed. But when he's injured, his entire livelihood is endangered. A new--and distracting--mouth to feed adds fuel to the fire, and Owen struggles to keep his family afloat. Though Saoirse is eager to help, even offering to learn the weaving craft, Owen is hesitant to accept aid from this strange young woman, no matter how inexplicably magnetic he finds her.

But Saoirse is not one to give up easily. She's determined to convince the McCreadys that they need her--perhaps as much as she needs them.

Revell Publishing, January, 2025
Available in digital ebook, paperback, library binding, and audiobook
buy HEART OF THE GLEN at Amazon, Christianbook .com, or Baker Book House

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