By Lisa Karon Richardson
One of the most successful and feared pirate lords of all time
wasn’t a lord at all, but a lady. Ching Shih, has been known by many different
names, including, Zhèng Shì; Jihng Sih, and Cheng I Sao and believe me, compared to her, Blackbeard, Bluebeard, and all the other beards were small potatoes.
Little is known about her early life, but it is believed that
Ching Shih was born around 1775. We also know she spent much of her early life
as a prostitute in a small brothel in Canton until she was captured by pirates.
Her lifestyle changed dramatically in 1801 when she married Zheng Yi, a famous
pirate captain with a pirate pedigree that went back well over a century.
By 1804 Zheng Yi, with Ching Shih at his side, managed a
fantastic coup. Through cunning, force, and diplomacy he managed to form a
coalition among the competing Chinese pirates. This new armada was called the
Red Flag Fleet.

The first provision of the pirate code provided that anyone giving
orders that did not come from Ching Shih, or disobeying the orders of a
superior, was beheaded on the spot. The second rule was that no one was to
steal from the public fund (This was the big, collective pot that their loot
went into) or any villagers that supplied the pirates. All booty had to be presented
for group inspection. The loot was registered by a purser and then distributed
by the fleet leader. The penalty for holding back treasure was death.
Ching Shih’s code also had special rules for
female captives. She directed that such women should be released. But in
practice the pirates made their most beautiful captives into concubines or
wives. If a pirate took a wife he had to be faithful to her. Pirates that raped
female captives were put to death.
Other violations of the code also carried punishments as severe as
any in the Royal Navy; flogging, clapping in irons, or quartering. Deserters’
ears were chopped off, and then they were paraded around their squadron.

She became a serious threat to some of the great imperial powers
of the day, but despite concerted effort, neither the British, Portuguese, or
Chinese were able to put a halt to her reign.
In 1810, Qing dynasty officials made an incredibly smart move.
Rather than trying to break the pirates they offered them amnesty if they gave
up their piratey ways. Ching Shih took them up on the offer, negotiating a
pardon for herself and the majority of her fleet, that allowed her to retain
her wealth. I did say she was cunning, didn’t I?
With her ill-gotten gain she opened a gambling house, which she
operated right up to her death in 1844. Since then she has continued to color
the popular imagination. Most recently, the third installment of the Pirates of
the Caribbean featured a powerful female pirate lord named Mistress Ching. I think we all know
where that particular inspiration came from.
Not that I admire her methods, but I do find Ching Shih’s story
to be fascinating and surprising. I wonder how she managed to navigate such
violent waters and come out the other side unscathed. I mean, we’re talking
about a society that purposely crippled their daughters as a sign of their
“high” status. Where there’s a will there’s a way, I guess. But it had to be a
remarkably formidable will, and a brilliant tactician’s mind to go with it in
order to both overcome prejudice and gain the allegiance of her men.
Maybe next Talk Like a Pirate Day (that’d be September 19th
to the uninitiated) you’ll consider a Chinese accent in her honor?
What is your favorite surprising story of unprecedented success?
Influenced by books like The Secret Garden and The Little
Princess, LISA KARON RICHARDSON’S early stories were heavy on boarding schools
and creepy houses. Now, even though she’s (mostly) grown-up she still loves a
healthy dash of adventure in any story she creates, even her real-life story.
She’s been a missionary to the Seychelles and Gabon and now that she and her
husband are back in America, they are tackling a brand new adventure, starting
a daughter-work church in a new city. Her published works include “Impressed by Love,” in the Colonial Courtships anthology. The Magistrate’s Folly was published by
Heartsong Presents in February of 2013. Diamond
in the Rough, (May, 2013) was co-authored with Jennifer AlLee, and is the
first in the Charm and Deceit, series
from Whitaker House. Finally she has another novella coming out September, 2013
from Barbour entitled “Midnight Clear,”
part of the Mistletoe Memories
Oh, this is fascinating stuff! my gosh!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to say I don't admire her smarts and sense of justice. (okay so they were robbing and killing people. I get that part too)
You've asked a deep question today, Lisa... I'll have to think on that!
Yeah, her punishments seem brutal today, but they weren't much out of line with what was common for sailors in that day and age. ANd it's easy to see how she justified her behavior and that of her men. It was almost all she knew.
ReplyDeleteQuite fascinating, Lisa. I find it amazing that the men stood for a female leader. She must have had quite a loyal following to not have someone try to overthrow her.
ReplyDeleteOh cool! I want book three in my new series to be about a Pirate Princess, so I'll add this to my research!!!
ReplyDeleteSuzie, I think she chose her allies well. There is an indication that she became lovers with one of her husband's lieutenants and she eventually married him. What is interesting is that after they married she still retained control of the organization.
ReplyDeleteDina, now that you mention that, I remember that part of your series. Glad to be of service! There are of course lots of details I left out, so you should find lots of fodder from her life of your research.
ReplyDeleteFascinating. I had never heard of her before.
ReplyDeleteBut now that you have. I'll bet you remember her, huh DeAnna? :)
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, certainly. She must have been one tough cookie.