Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Ultimate Renovation

by Niki Turner

I've always used the words "remodel" and "renovate" interchangeably, but they aren't the same.

To remodel something is to change its form, function, or style - upgrading kitchen appliances and cabinets, or enlarging a living area by taking out a wall, for example.

It used to be fairly common to remodel clothing. Minor adjustments, like adding a bustle to the back of a gown, or changing the neckline, even turning a dress inside out and resewing the seams to hide fading or stains, served a frugal and fashionable purpose.
Renovation, on the other hand, is the practice of restoring something to previous or better condition, like an old house, and antique piece of furniture, or a classic car. It also means "to give new life or energy to something."

To renovate, you first must remove the things that have been added to the item, then make necessary repairs, and finally refinish the item according to its original design. Renovation can be a long, tedious, and costly procedure. Just ask God, the master renovator! He's been working on a particularly difficult renovation project for the last 2000 years: the human race.

For everyone who comes to Christ, ultimate renovation is freely available. Through the price Jesus paid, we can be restored to God's original design. Where sin, foolishness, and the traditions of men have left us with multiple coats of chipped paint and broken parts and dents and dings, the Master is ready to clean us up, heal our wounds, and make us new again.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Cor 5:17
Remember the Six Million Dollar Man? He wasn't just remodeled, he was renovated. All his broken bits were replaced with parts that were better, stronger, faster.
Photo: Wikipedia  

So it is with us. God, who put us together in our mothers' wombs and has all our days written in his heavenly planner, wants to take us into his workshop and lovingly, carefully, restore us to the blueprint he originally had in mind.

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Eph 2:10
Don't settle for a cheap remodel job with plastic parts from the discount store. Don't just accept another coat of paint when you know there's a horde of termites chewing holes in your innards. And don't give up when you run into bad wiring, or rusted plumbing during the process. God's not concerned about it, why would you be? (Does Bob Vila panic over mold behind the tub, or rot under the roof? No, because he's an expert!)
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:1-2
So what if you look a mess on the outside... renovation is never pretty until it's all finished, and no one expects it to be! The important thing is that you continue to get together with your Master Craftsman and let him keep working on you, until the day he brushes off the last of the sawdust and declares you a finished product.
"...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." Phil 1:6
Photo: H.Dickens
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  1. I have an urgent prayer request on arise 2 write.

  2. Good afternoon.
    Wonderful post Niki! I love that song "He who has begun a good work in me... will be faithful to complete it" It gives me such comfort

    Andrea - I went to your site and read about Lisa. What an awful thing to happen. I wasn't able to leave a comment though, but wanted you to know I saw your request.

    As we celebrate this week when the greatest passover lamb prepared for His sacrifice, may we be ever mindful of what He came to do in our lives. no limits!

  3. Niki, than you for that. What an amazing thought. God doesn't just do a make over. I so love your comparison to Bob Vila. It's true though. We freak out, but God's got it all under control!

    Andrea-praying for Lisa

  4. Niki, first of all: what a great pic of the huge pink bow. Now that's a present.

    I like this post -- powerful Scriptures, powerful reminder of my place as God creature, the work of His hands and the recipient of His amazing love. Thank you so much.

    I'll be praying for Lisa, too, Andrea.

  5. Andrea, we agree with you and the prayers going up for Lisa.

    Deb, I love that verse, too. There's something wonderful about knowing God is working on us even we it all seems impossible.

    Lisa, yep, no "makeovers" that will be washed off or slept on and destroyed... A whole new creation.

    Susie, glad you liked the pink bow! I'm thinking that would be such a fun way to decorate for Christmas!

  6. Hi Niki,
    I love your post Niki. I wonder what I'll look like when God's done with my personal renovation. :) Kind of fun to think about. I enjoyed the scriptures you picked and that lovely house with the big bow. How cool. And I for one will not forget Lee Majors as The Six Million Dollar Man. :)

    Lisa, I am praying and will continue to pray for Lisa and family. That is outrageous! I would recommend they contact their congressman immediately and it wouldn't hurt to let the White House know. It sure can't hurt.

  7. I find that when God is working in my life others don't like it because I don't have it all together on the outside and don't look all neat and pretty the way they would like me too. I've kind of gotten over it, though. I like the improvements on the other side.


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