A great cozy mystery centering around decades old film found in a camera from an estate liquidation.
Sisters Martha, Elizabeth and Mary own a thrift shop: Secondhand Blessings. They help out friend Laura who is clearing out her grandfathers house. The mystery begins when old photos are able to be processed but are then stolen. The plot thickens when Lauren has a break in and the sisters try to figure out what secrets the photos hold.
This is an interesting plot with a peek into the relationship of the sisters and how old secrets can affect the present. An enjoyable visit to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with a little light romance thrown in. I especially liked Mary and her adventures in baking. 4 stars and a solid faith thread.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the authors. I was not required to give a favorable review. All opinions are my own.*
Lauren sells a vintage camera of her grandfathers to Secondhand Blessings. Elizabeth opens the back and discovers undeveloped film. With permission she gets it developed. The prints reveal a mystery of and Amish man who disappeared decades earlier. Mary gets involved with making baked goods for a local program.