Saturday, January 1, 2022

High-Wire Heartbreak by Anna Schmidt, Reviewed by Paula Shreckhise #ReleaseDay

A superbly written dual time novel encompassing the world of Ringling Brother’s Circus and the colorful characters from the 1939 social scene in Sarasota, Florida. Although not what I was expecting, I was pleasantly surprised by this story of love lost and found and the repercussions of a scandal that effected several generations. It was very interesting to see what process the character of Chloe Whitfield used in researching a new book. “One of the reasons she liked writing historical fiction was the opportunity to walk where others had walked in earlier times.” But when a personal connection comes to light, it just got better and better.

The characters were thoroughly engaging, from Nardo and Lucy, Cloe and Ian to their friends and relatives.

Ms. Schmidt adeptly wove the two time lines together and I was very pleased by the ultimate connections, and romances progressed at a natural pace.

I am always happy to find a new author in my genre of choice and this author fits the bill.
* I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishin . I was not required to give a favorable review. All opinions are my own.* 5 stars and a faint faith thread

BackCover Blurb:
In 1936--A party at the Ringling mansion Ca d’Zan in Sarasota, Florida, leads to a robbery--and possibly death.

A successful historical mystery writer, Chloe Whitfield comes to Ca’ d’Zan to research her next novel. Chloe’s fascination with the circus is rooted in family stories of her great-grandmother Lucinda Conroy, who reportedly was a trapeze artist of some renown. She’s heard hints of scandal—and perhaps larceny, but no details.

Chloe’s grandmother—rumored to be Lucinda’s only offspring—was raised in an orphanage and never knew her mother. Intrigued as she is, Chloe has no intent of writing about Lucinda until she sees a poster featuring Lucinda as the star performer for a 70th birthday gala for John Ringling in May of 1936. From there the trail goes cold.

Who was Lucinda and what happened to her?

Barbour Publishing, January 2022
Available in digital ebook and paperback:
Buy High-Wire Heartbreak at Amazon,, or Baker Book House

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